The exact rules below do not apply to every single building throughout Florida. They are a general guideline to allow co-op & condo owners to understand that there are certain policies in place in all building complexes which building management requires to be followed by all contractors doing work on the properties. Your particular building may vary to what is stated below.
Demolition - Demolition work is typically completed in the following fashion with these common restrictions.
1. All demolition work is to be performed by your contractor during specific work hours only, Monday thru Friday, excluding all holidays which building deems as such, from the hours of 9:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M.
2. The co-op, condo, or building management in their sole discretion may request or require demolition to stop due to noisy conditions to early in the morning, excessive dust, danger to structural elements of the building or affecting the health and safety of other apartment owners in the building.
3. A time limit on the overall construction project. Usually 4-6 months. in some cases they will request an advanced estimate of completion time in the agreement.
4. Provide methods for the removal of all construction debris, to be approved by apartment owner and building management.
5. Provide methods to control dust, and the containment of any asbestos, or lead paint dust (if present).
6. Request a pre-filed plan, regarding containment of dust and debris, within the area of where the demolition is to take place and the protection of any and all common areas which may be affected.
7. Request a pre-filed plan mapping out how common areas and elevators are to be protected and the methods used for removing all debris from the work site and down to street level for disposal.
Electrical Work
1. All work to be performed by a Licensed Electrician licensed in the state of Florida.
2. Pre-approved plans for electrical service, including relocation of new riser runs (if allowable in your building) running from the buildings main distribution center to the new main apartment panel located in the apartment which is to be renovated.
3. The new load calculation for the draw on the building's electrical system and how it may affect other apartment owners (if it affects them).
4. Prior to the commencement of this work there should be an agreement signed by the apartment owner to reimburse the building for any common area repairs that may be necessary due to the running of new electrical lines which must be routed in public spaces in order to reach their point of destination which would be at the new apartment panel location in the apartment which is being renovated. (Many buildings will not allow you to run new risers to increase amperage in a particular apartment). This depends mostly on location and route that must be taken to get the new risers from point A to point B.
5. A review fee payable to the buildings architect or engineer to review the request for new electrical service in the apartment or electrical work in general within the apartment.
Plumbing & HVAC Systems
1. All work to be performed by a Licensed Plumber, licensed in the state of Florida.
2. All plumbing work must be pre-submitted and approved by the buildings mechanical engineer or architect.
3. The installation will not inconvenience other apartment owners, and if so, the work will be scheduled and advance notice will be given to those who will be affected by the work. Relocation of plumbing in buildings may or may not be possible. All situations will be reviewed on a case by case basis. This type of work depends on many factors. This refers to HVAC lines and all water and waste lines.
4. The apartment owner agrees that during the course of the work and after completion they will pay the cost of any repairs or relocation to the building's plumbing, heating or HVAC systems, caused by the unit owners' renovation work should this condition arise or exist.
Environmental issues
1. The apartment owner will agree to be responsible for providing prior to the commencement of the work, all required plans and/or permits for the removal, containment and disposal of all hazardous materials, such as, lead based paint and asbestos.
2. The apartment owner shall agree to hold the Co-Op or Condo harmless, including reasonable attorneys fees, fines and penalties.
Common Areas
1. All common areas must be kept clean and covered during the actual work from the beginning of each day until the end of each day. All carpets shall be covered with plastic, then protected with Masonite over the plastic. Corridor wall shall be protected as well with either plastic or Masonite placed in front of them so they do not get scratched or dinged. This is even more important if your corridor has wallpaper on the walls.
2. Elevators must be covered when receiving deliveries. Floor and walls of the elevator car. Usually the building sets up the elevator for the delivery. Some buildings require scheduled deliveries and only during certain hours of the day.
3. No work is to be done on weekends or holidays. the building sets which holidays are in effect.
Filing Plans
1. The apartment owner shall be responsible for hiring an architect (or using ours) to prepare all drawings necessary for the proposed apartment alteration. This is not always required however in exclusive buildings the building management may require all apartment renovation work to be filed by a registered architect or engineer unless the nature of the work is purely cosmetic.
2. The apartment owner may also choose to hire their own interior designer to come up with a concept or select furnishings, rugs, finishes, etc. Some architects also provide this service as well.
The above list states most of the general rules that usually apply to co-op and condo renovations in Florida. All buildings vary and have the right to decide what can and can not be done on any particular renovation project. We suggest that you speak with your buildings management company and request an alteration agreement or list of items which will and will not be allowed.
In addition to these typical rules stated above, we have also listed other concerns and critical factors involved in remodeling or renovating a co-op or condo apartment in Florida below.
If you are planning on renovating an apartment in your building or development you need to be fully aware of the time factors and additional costs involved in completing the work.
Quite simply, renovating an apartment in a high rise building takes more time than the same exact scope of work for a typical project in a private home.
You must be prepared to allow sufficient time for residential remodeling projects so that in the end you are not forced to rush to completion. Many situations come up along the way during the actual project which in no way are in the control of your contractor.
1. Holidays where the building is closed to contractors and outside personnel.
2. Tenants or Shareholders moving in or out of the building who need to use the elevator all day to get their belongings either into or out of the apartment.
3. Elevators that break down and are out of service for a day or two.
4. Building wide water shutoffs for repairs that could stop your contractor from working on that day due to the fact that there is no water available.
5. Other building delays or problems that arise which stop the outside contractor from performing his duties on
your apartment renovation.
6. Change orders from client. Client wants to change things after all plans have been approved. This could add tremendous time and money as well.
7. Long lead times on materials selected by owner, architect, or designer. Contractor is stuck waiting for materials which hold up the project. In some cases it can become a dead stand still. Pre ordering of long lead time materials is a must.
8. Parking for delivery trucks is not available near the service entrance of the building at the time it is being delivered. In some cases these deliveries need to be rescheduled.
9. Other scenarios that come up during the course of the job.
No one wants to wait and wait to move into their newly renovated apartment, however if you are forced to move in to your unfinished renovated apartment, you will have serious problems.
By pushing your contractor you put tremendous pressure on him to hurry to finish your work. The second you take this approach, you unquestionably destroy the final outcome of your project.
All the fine finish work is affected drastically. If you push your general contractor to try and meet an impossible schedule to accommodate your needs or desires, or order materials that have a long lead time, without question, in the end, your project will not be what you had hoped for.
Should this occur on your project, we assure you that you, or the contractor (who will not get his final payment because of his clients unhappiness) will be happy.